A word from the Founder
Cohesion and solidarity really mean honesty and adherence to moral principles. Cohesion, solidarity, honesty, and ethics are the basis of our code of ethics. The Green Innovation Academy endowment fund (/fund) (Green Innovation Academy) (/GIA) is committed to conducting its purpose in accordance with the highest ethical standards in all areas of its activities in order to fulfill its strategy and vision.
Our Code of Conduct has been designed to protect our community and create legitimately positive reputation for ourselves and our incubation activities. The Code contains simple rules that help us act with integrity, within our principles, and with respect. It forms a framework within which we can act freely and comply with the law. Our Code of Conduct expresses the values of the Green Innovation Academy, which we believe in and which are the basis for building mutual trust. We see this approach as the key to our long-term success.
Ing. Hynek Sochor – Founder of Green Innovation Academy
The Green Innovation Academy endowment fund behaves responsibly in relation to ethical and moral issues related to its activities. We expect the same of our employees, associates, and partners and expect their conduct to be consistent with high moral reputation. The endowment fund’s set of moral principles serves as a guideline for Green Innovation Academy to follow in our normal day-to-day practices, as well as in morally controversial situations.
The Green Innovation Academy Code of Conduct applies to all employees, including employees of the entire Soulmates ecosystem which GIA is part of. Employees are required to familiarize themselves with the code. If invited to attend training on the Code of Conduct, they are required to attend the training. If someone in our endowment fund finds themselves in a morally difficult situation and does not know what steps to take next, they should contact their supervisor and together they will resolve the situation in the best possible way. The supervisor should demonstrate the kind of character that can set a moral example for others to follow.
We expect our suppliers, partners, and other stakeholders to respect and adhere to the ethical principles set out in this text.
Contact on authorized persons: Tomáš Kabeláč – Director of GIA Incubator & Member of the Board of Directors, kabelac@wearegia.eu / sayhello@wearegia.eu
Decency – Although the startup environment can sometimes seem aggressive, we don’t believe in greed. Every deal we make is always a win-win for everyone involved. We refuse to accept any egotistical behavior from our startups and colleagues; we are guided by our values, not our egos.
Expertise – If we want to achieve a truly global impact, significant and exceptional success, then we cannot be satisfied by lack of experience. We choose only the best of the best to be available when startups need them, whether they want to validate something or need a consultation.
Momentum – Actions and results speak for themselves more than words, which is why we are never satisfied with what we see but go deeper where others don’t look. That’s why we bring our investors the most innovative products in the market, and why we have the highest probability of economic success.
Efficiency – Donate your money to efficiency and donate smart. We believe in smart sustainable investing and smart handling of these resources within a startup. Raised capital should never go to activities draining money. Most capital and development should be directed into activities that create value and acquire customers, especially when it comes to startups.
Stability – While the startup environment will always be risky and nothing is guaranteed, we are aiming for long-term sustainable growth rather than an uncontrollable rush for a quick success. Instead of shooting blindly, we want to provide solid foundation for our clients and partners as they rise to the stars with their sustainable innovations.
Trust – We value relationships and partnerships based on mutual trust. That is why we are transparent in everything we do. We’re not afraid to reveal behind the scenes and whenever possible, we give you more than you expect.
We play by the rules
The Green Innovation Academy is a fair endowment fund. We comply with laws, regulations, and standards, whether written or unwritten. We are against any form of bribery and corruption. We do not create conditions for it, therefore it has no chance with us.
Green Innovation Academy members treat each other and others with courtesy and respect. Our moral principles prioritize equality among people, including gender, racial, religious, social, and cultural equality. Green Innovation Academy takes a clear stand against sexual harassment, discrimination, humiliation, and aggression, both in and out of the workplace. This stance guarantees everyone involved the right to be heard without fear of punishment or scorn.
The Green Innovation Academy is where employees spend a significant part of their day. Our principle is therefore to create a safe workplace, in the broader sense of the word. All of our workplaces are smoke-free and, unless management stipulates otherwise in exceptional situations, alcohol is not consumed.
At Green Innovation Academy, we understand that information is what brings value and profit in the 21st century. We only collect information for legitimate and incubation purposes. We never lie about the information we receive, hide relevant facts, or manipulate anyone to obtain information. It goes without saying that we act in accordance with good morals and the law and therefore we do not violate data protection policies or steal any information. Respecting intellectual property is perfectly natural and obvious to us.
We recognize that certain information is confidential and we take full responsibility for protecting this confidential status. This is why at Green Innovation Academy we take for granted the security of our computers and data stored on any type of media. We keep careful records and records of what data we collect and where it is stored.
Anyone interested can consult the data collected by the Green Innovation Academy endowment fund. If this data is collected directly by the GIA endowment fund, the person concerned is always informed in advance that their data is being collected, including the purpose. If the analysis process does not require it, sufficient anonymity is always maintained and the data is generalized. The conclusions of these analyses are always presented with care and sensitivity.
Those who handle the assets of the Green Innovation Academy endowment fund do not do so for private financial gain and use the assets in an honest, legitimate, responsible, and representative manner. Each person concerned is obliged to actively protect the know-how of the fund, must not dispose of it without management approval, and must respect the know-how of other organizations – all in accordance with the law and good morals. Upon termination of the cooperation, each person must immediately return all data and assets of the endowment fund.
For every position at Green Innovation Academy, we are committed to avoiding conflicts of interest, while recognizing the right to fair and just compensation for work performed. We also actively enforce measures and approaches against “money laundering” – if anyone in our endowment fund, bound by this Code, encounters suspicious activities (payments of small amounts to more than one account, payment of larger amounts in cash, etc.) with partners or clients, they will immediately consult their supervisor.
At Green Innovation Academy, our main goal is always to protect our clients’ interests and all strategies are aligned with this goal. Our long-term efforts are focused on safety, quality, and improving our products and services.
At the Green Innovation Academy, we care about how the world sees us and actively co-create the public image of our incubator. We know that actions speak for themselves, so we follow the rule that everyone in the fund either works to the best of their ability, enjoys and is motivated by a job well done, or they don’t and find other, more meaningful work instead. Only such people can speak honestly about the endowment fund in a good way and actively participate in creating a good name – representing the endowment fund with joy and pride in being part of the team. They become role models for the whole fund, unafraid to admit their mistakes, learn from them, and take responsibility for them.
We are also committed to representing and spreading democratic values and the heritage of European humanism; environmental and social responsibility, and responsibility towards tradition and future generations.
Each employee is always required to distinguish between personal and endowment fund opinions when discussing Green Innovation Academy-related issues on social media. Employees are aware of their commitment to the endowment fund and therefore strive to represent the endowment fund positively in the virtual space and only post information and opinions that the endowment fund has already posted itself.
At the Green Innovation Academy, we recognize that the market has its own legal and moral rules within which market participants can behave freely. Therefore, we respect and represent the principles of fair competition through our activities. We focus on our own performance not only in terms of growth but also in terms of the broadest possible contribution to society, without in any way limiting the benefits of competition. We seek to inspire our colleagues and draw on the experience of the best for the benefit of us all.
Green Innovation Academy recognizes and develops sustainable approach in all its activities. We are interested in uncovering externalities – costs that are passed on to others in the economic, cultural, and social spheres – and we make the necessary efforts to mitigate or eliminate them as much as possible. Since the main goal of the endowment fund is not to maximize profit growth but to improve the quality of life of people and other beings, the ecosystem, and other values, we feel responsible for what happens outside and inside the endowment fund. We try to balance the possible problematic aspects of our activities as much as possible.
Green Innovation Academy recognizes and develops a sustainable approach in all its activities. We strive to ensure that any marketing activities in which we are involved are prepared and activated in line with our core values. We will always ensure that both us and our partners promote themselves in a honest and truthful way that does not manipulate or otherwise circumvent the truth.
At Green Innovation Academy, we know that we are part of a larger system and we are not indifferent to its state. Respect for human rights and freedom is a prerequisite for establishing partner links in many of our activities. That is why we take an active interest in who our clients are, where they come from and why they want to use our services. At the same time, we strictly reject any involvement in services and products derived from child labor.
At Green Innovation Academy we know that healthy relationships are the foundation for any partnership. This is a value we respect and promote. That’s why we care about the state of the community in which we operate. We strive to build the healthiest relationships, both individually and socially, with respect for traditions, customs, courtesies, and social standards.
At Green Innovation Academy, we are aware that a gift is an embodiment of goodwill. Therefore, we do not prohibit giving or receiving of small gifts for the purpose of building good relationships. However, these acts of goodwill must never be of a financial nature. We distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate gifts; inappropriate gifts are politely and respectfully declined. Whether we receive or give a gift to build relationships that represent our endowment fund, we always inform our supervisor; we record and disclose these activities – transparency is a must here. We never accept gifts from politicians or publicly politically engaged people, nor do we give them gifts in any form – our relationships with these people are always based on mutual respect and equality.
*This does not apply to financial donations used to support the main activity of the GIA Incubator which is the incubation of sustainable startups.
The Green Innovation Academy endowment fund is built on the foundation of a high-level endowment fund culture that we respect, maintain, and further develop. Endowment fund culture is an indispensable value for us, so we have the following rule: “Have you noticed immoral behavior in the incubator? Report it without any fear of retribution!”
Those seen to be less inconsistent with the Endowment fund’s culture under this Code will be reprimanded by colleagues or their line managers. If a violation of the Green Innovation Academy’s ethical principles is repeated, or if it exceeds certain threshold or is particularly serious, a disciplinary committee will be set up, which has the right and the duty to resolve morally conflicting situations taking into account their seriousness and to prevent their further spread. It uses tools that are consistent with our corporate culture and good morals. In situations that constitute particularly serious breach of good morals, the Disciplinary Committee will initiate civil proceedings against the guilty party or parties.
- We play by the rules
- We behave morally and professionally
- We respect and protect privacy
- We do not misuse entrusted assets
- We trade ethically
- We conduct responsible marketing
- We care about relationships and communities
- We behave in a manner worthy of following
- We work objectively
- We learn from the best and from our own mistakes
- We approach all matters responsibly
- Our intentions and actions are of high integrity
- We care about the future and the traditions
- We do everything as best as we can